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8th Grade


School Day 8:18 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

In eighth grade, the daily advisory program focuses on executive functioning, developing self-advocacy skills, RULER, and team building. Advisors help students prepare for the transition to high school, and they serve as a primary point of contact between home and school.

Ms. Golub
Mrs. Tremont
Ms. Olson

English/Language Arts (Ms. Olson):
Students develop higher level critical thinking skills, communicate effectively through a variety of formats, and read texts that support a rich understanding of American history. Major texts read include The Hunger Games, Life of Pi, The Book Thief, A Raisin in the Sun, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Fahrenheit 451 (if time allows), and a selection of short stories, poetry, drama, and non-fiction texts.

Mathematics (Ms. Tremont):
The eighth grade Mathematics curriculum includes four programs:
Essentials for Algebra: The course is designed to focus on core concepts and procedures necessary to be prepared to take Algebra in high school. The text used is SRA Essentials for Algebra by McGraw Hill.
Pre-Algebra: The course is designed to prepare students for a rigorous college preparatory algebra course. It uses a problem-based approach with concrete models. The course helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts. The text used is Core Connections, Course 3, published by CPM Educational Program.
Algebra I: Students that have demonstrated an above average understanding in math are enrolled in this course. The students study equations and inequalities, functions, systems, polynomials, quadratics, rational equations and trigonometry. Students that have successfully completed this course will take geometry their freshman year in high school. The text used is Algebra 1 published by McDougal, Littell.
New Trier Township Math Program: Students that have successfully completed Algebra as seventh graders in this program take Geometry as eighth graders. Classes are held at New Trier High School.

Science (Mrs. Galfano):
Eighth grade science is an inquiry based course focused on developing critical thinking, reasoning, and lab skills while studying geology, chemistry, energy, and natural selection. Students are active members of our learning community and are expected to collaborate, investigate, explore, evaluate systems, make predictions, and communicate their findings.

Social Studies (Ms. Golub):
8th grade Social Studies has a focus on both the Constitution/amendments and then the second half of U.S. History from the Civil War to present-day. Throughout the 8th grade Social Studies experience, students will be collaborating with their classmates, reading texts, writing a variety of essays and DBQs (document-based questions), discussing complex topics, analyzing resources and historic events, and creating various projects as they explore the nation's history. Inquiry skills are a key component of the course, with a focus on developing questions, researching, examining multiple perspectives, finding and evaluating evidence, and ultimately using the most effective evidence to support a claim when constructing arguments both in written form and verbally. Additionally, the disciplinary concepts of civics, economics, geography, and history along with the skills within those areas are seamlessly integrated into the content.

Spanish (Srta. Leal-Ramos):
Spanish students continue to build their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar topics, thus allowing them to express themselves in a variety of contexts. Students work to develop proficiency in Spanish in all four skill areas: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Completion of the Spanish program will allow students to start high school Spanish in year 2.

Physical Education/Health (Mrs. Gonzalez and Mr. Sislow):
Health is a comprehensive program that emphasizes life-long habits and includes study of the following topics in eighth grade: Executive Functioning, Goal Setting, Anabolic Steroids, Body Image, Anger Management, Depression, Sexual Education, Internet Safety, Signs of Suicide, Loss and Grief, Emotional IQ, and Substance Abuse.

Physical Education focuses on helping students to develop and maintain a suitable level of fitness and health; to become competent in management of their body; to foster mental alertness in reacting strategically to game situations; to acquire needed safety skills and habits; to obtain personal and educational benefits from the program; to develop an appreciation and interest and the cardiovascular benefits of exercise; to interact with others in socially and sound manner; to understand how the body functions and its relationship to physical activity; to demonstrate a knowledge of game rules, safety measures, and etiquette.

Student Services:
The eighth grade Student Services Team consists of the school psychologist, a speech and language pathologist, ALP teachers, an ELL teacher, and a special education teacher. This team works together to meet the needs of students with IEPs and 504 plans.  In addition, the Student Services Team provides other educational supports to all students.