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Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical Education Teacher: Mrs. Donna Kasper,

The Physical Education program at Middlefork School is designed to provide students with fundamental and advanced motor skills, improve students' self-confidence, and provide opportunities for increased physical fitness. levels (This is associated with and helps with increased academic achievement.) Additionally, our nutrition education curriculum promotes learning that healthy eating and proper nutrition help prevent illness and promote growth and development.

Students in all grade levels participate in daily 20-minute Physical Education sessions. Our ultimate goal in Physical Education is to increase the physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility, and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can become physically active for a lifetime.

K-3 PE Goals

  • To foster a love for physical activity and play.
  • To develop and maintain a suitable level of fitness and health.
  • To develop coordination and body control.
  • To provide opportunities for increased responsibility and leadership.
  • To offer various skills, games, fitness, and fun experiences.
  • To provide an avenue for socialization.
  • To develop a sense of fair play and cooperation within groups.
  • To acquire basic skills in activities taught throughout the year.
  • To acquire needed safety skills and habits.
  • To develop a desirable self-concept and effective self-image.
  • To experience goal-setting.