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Learning Center

SRS Learning Center Policy

Access & Expectations
Learning Center Hours:
All days when school is in session. 

Student Expectations:
Use furniture and pillows in the Learning Center appropriately.
WALK with purpose.
Use respectful and appropriate voice level and language.
Items in the Learning Center stay in the Learning Center unless checked out.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

  • The mission of the Sunset Ridge School Learning Center is to build on the strengths inherent in Sunset Ridge’s students, teachers, and families by connecting them to relevant and motivating resources that help us question, discover, and create our world... one reader at a time.

    For further information on the role of the school library media center, please see:

    Access to Resources and Services in the School Library Media Center, a document prepared by the American Library Association (ALA)

  • Responsibility
    The Sunset Ridge School Learning Center Director (teacher/librarian) assumes final responsibility for the selection of materials. Materials shall be chosen by the librarian alone and in cooperation with faculty, staff, and students.

    Criteria for Selection
    Materials selected for inclusion in the collection of the SRS Learning Center Director shall satisfy the following:

    Materials shall be chosen to enrich and support the curriculum and the educational, emotional, and recreational needs of the users.
    Materials shall meet high standards of quality in:
    physical or electronic format, as appropriate treatment of subject, accuracy, and currency of information arrangement and organization literary style.

    Materials shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of Sunset Ridge students.

    Materials shall represent differing viewpoints on controversial issues so that users may be motivated to engage in critical analysis of such issues, to explore their own beliefs, attitudes, and behavior, and to make intelligent judgments in their everyday lives.

    For further information on library selection policies in general, please see the following ALA documents: 


    Selection Tools
    The following professional resources are available to assist the Sunset Ridge Learning Center Director in the selection process; however, selection is not limited to the use of these tools.


    Reviewing Media:
    The Horn Book Magazine

    School Library Journal

    The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (BCCB)

    Common Sense Media 


    Professional Collection
    In order to serve the needs of Sunset Ridge School faculty and staff and other members of the SRS community, the SRS Learning Center maintains a small professional collection of materials relating to the fields of education and library science.

    The SRS LC Director selects titles appropriate for a core journal collection of interest and use to educators, administrators, and librarians, especially those at SRS.


    Online Information Policy
    In keeping with our role as a source of information, the library provides Internet access to information beyond the confines of our collection. The Internet affords us an exciting opportunity to have immediate access to timely and comprehensive information as well as a wide variety of primary sources. Providing connections to global information services and networks outside the library is different from selecting and purchasing materials for the library collection. The Internet changes rapidly, frequently, and unpredictably.
    As the vast amount of information on the Internet is generated outside the library, the library cannot be responsible for accuracy, authenticity, currency, availability, or completeness of information. We cannot ensure that Internet communications are secure or private.
    Because of the library's limitations, the user is responsible for using discretion when considering the quality of material, questioning the validity of information, and choosing what is individually appropriate.

    For further information on Electronic Information Policy, please see the following ALA policy statements:

  • The SRS LC welcomes gift materials. These materials shall be subject to the same criteria as those obtained through the regular selection process. Materials not chosen for inclusion in the SRS LC collection shall donated to local libraries and organizations in need.

  • Purpose
    The SRS LC recognizes the importance of maintaining a collection of current, appropriate, and useful materials. Therefore, a periodic evaluation of the collection will be performed in order to remove or replace materials which are no longer useful. The following guidelines have been developed to aid in the deselection process; however, the final decision concerning the removal or replacement of material rests with the SRS LC Director.

    Deselection by Appearance
    Worn-out volumes: dirty, brittle, yellow pages; missing pages; tattered covers; etc.
    Badly bound volumes: soft, pulpy paper and/or shoddy binding
    Badly printed works
    Books of antiquated appearance which might discourage use
    Audio-visual materials with missing or broken pieces
    Deselection of Superfluous or Duplicate Volumes
    Unneeded duplicate titles
    Older editions
    Highly specialized books (when library holds more general or up-to-date volumes on the same subject)
    Books on subjects of little interest to the local community
    Books which no longer relate to the curriculum (if specialized)
    Deselection Based on Poor Content
    Information is dated
    Information is inaccurate
    Stereotypes are present
    Book is poorly written
    Deselection According to Use
    Nonfiction: Book has not been checked out within last 10 years
    Fiction: Book has not been checked out within last 5 years (classics excluded)
    Categories of Books which may be quickly outdated:
    000s: computer
    100s: psychology (especially popular literature)
    300s: college & career materials
    400s: grammars with dated examples and/or illustrations
    500s: astronomy, chemistry, physics, biology
    600s: electronics, engineering, health, technology
    900s: popular biographies
    Mistakes in selection/acquisition
    Categories of Books which are not quickly outdated:
    biographical sources
    literary criticism
    classics of literature
    foreign language literature
    art books
    local history/geography
    books providing general principles of a subject or discipline

  • Statement of Policy
    The SRS LC subscribes in principle to the philosophy expressed in the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights and its supporting documents, and the American Association of School Librarians' School Library Bill of Rights for School Library Media Programs. Copies of these documents are appended to and made a part of this policy.

    The SRS LC also recognizes that occasionally materials selected may be challenged or questioned, despite the care taken in selecting them. A procedure for processing and responding to criticism of approved material has been established and shall be followed. This procedure shall include a formal signed complaint of standard format and an appointed committee to reevaluate the material in question.

    Procedure for handling Challenged or Questioned Books and Materials

    Consistent with the American Library Associations' Bill of Rights, District 29 provides a formal mechanism for community members to express concerns about library materials. Per District 29 Board Policy 686, "Parents/guardians, employees, and community members who believe that library media program resources violate rights guaranteed by any law or Board policy may file a complaint using the Uniform Grievance Procedure."

    Alternatively, individuals with general complaints about library materials should follow the protocol outlined in Board Policy 691: Public Complaints provided below.

    Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs

    The School Board recognizes the right of District residents to request a reconsideration of curriculum design and/or instructional materials employed by the District. The resident shall make such a request in writing to the building principal and include his/her name, address, and specific objections to the curriculum and/or materials. 

    The Building Principal, in consultation with the teaching staff, shall review the curriculum design and/or material in question and judge whether it conforms to the District’s educational goals and objectives. 

    If the issue is not resolved at the building level, the Building Principal shall refer the District 29 resident to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall make an effort to resolve the matter. 

    Should the matter remain unresolved, the Superintendent shall refer the problem, with written recommendation(s), to the School Board. 

    The School Board’s decision on the matter shall be final. 

    The Superintendent may exempt individual students from specific aspects of the curriculum or the use of specific instructional materials based upon religious or other appropriate reasons.

    Parents/guardians have the right to inspect any instructional material used as part of their child’s educational curriculum. Curriculum design and instructional materials shall be selected for compatibility with the District’s education goals and objectives. 

    Persons who believe that curriculum, instructional materials, or programs violate rights guaranteed by any law or Board policy may file a complaint using the Uniform Grievance Procedure. Persons with all other suggestions or complaints about curriculum, instructional materials, and/or programs should submit their suggestion/complaint in writing to the School Principal and/or District Superintendent.


    Disposal of Deselected Materials
    Damaged deselected materials may be recycled.
    Deselected materials in good condition will be donated to local organizations in need.
    For further information on the American Library Association's policy on challenged materials, please see:

    Challenged Materials

District Policies

  • All District classrooms and learning/technology centers shall be equipped with a wide variety of teaching tools, textbooks, workbooks, and technological tools selected to meet curriculum goals and individual needs of students.

    Since the purpose of all instructional materials is to support quality learning experiences for students, all District instructional materials shall:

    Enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students.
    Stimulate growth in knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards.
    Provide background information that will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives.
    Develop the practice of critical analysis in the study of controversial issues.
    Recognize the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage.
    Ensure a comprehensive collection of appropriate text and supplementary materials for the students.
    Depict in an accurate and unbiased way the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society.

  • The School Board shall maintain a Library/Learning Center in each building that which shall provide resources to students and professional staff. The Library/Learning Center shall provide books, reference materials, computer software, and other multi-media materials.

    The Library/Learning Center program will focus on enlarging and enriching the ongoing classroom instructional program. Continuous upgrading of materials and programs will be the responsibility of each Learning Center Director in consultation with the staff.

    There should be opportunities for free choice of materials based on the students’ interest as well as guided selection of materials appropriate to specific planned learning experiences. In that the purpose of the Library/Learning Center is to supplement the regular classroom instructional activities, it may observe hours of operation before and after the regular school day.

  • Partial list of sources consulted in preparing this policy:
    Adams, Helen R. Ensuring Intellectual Freedom and Access to Information in the School Library Media Program. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2008.
    Arnold, DoMonique. Collection Development. University of Illinois Lab School, 25 April 2013, Accessed 20 July 2017.
    Barber, Raymond W. & Bartell, Partice. Senior High Core Collection. Ipswich, MA: H.W. Wilson, 2011.
    Gillespie, John T., and Barr, Catherine. Best Books for High School Readers. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.

    For further information:
    American Library Association's (ALA) Library Bill of Rights